December 21, 2010

Holiday Libations: Sparkling Ginger Daisy PUNCH

Tis’ the season for delicious libations, which can often lead to excess calories. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes its fun to have little good binge with all things delicious! But if your anything like me, you're probably attending countless holiday soirees where those food and drinks can easily add to your waistline. So why not make a few more conscious decisions to avoid having to crash diet at the new year?

Word to the wise, bypass the heavy eggnog and serve something fun and festive that doesn't mean having to load up on lots of calories. Opt for a delicious sparkling wine cocktail, like this Sparkling Ginger Daisy PUNCH, which bypasses high quantities of fruit juices that can contain a considerable amount of unnecessary sugar. It's perfect for entertaining and will inspire guests to help themselves without the excess guilt.

Sparkling Ginger Daisy PUNCH (serves 8)

In a large punchbowl, stir together gin, ginger liqueur, lemon juice, and grenadine. Add large chunks of ice to keep everything chilled. Add the Mionetto, and stir again.

Serve with a ladle, and consider keeping a bowl of sliced ginger next to the punchbowl for guests to garnish their own drinks versus rimming individual glasses with unneeded sugar.

ADDITIONAL TIP: If you're looking to cut calories even further, try diluting the required amount of lemon juice with 50% water.