Some call it slacking. Others call it a need for revival. I call it a minor hiatus.
Sometimes life trumps you. Whether its at work, at school, at home, or in my case while drinking. No, I haven't been slumped over my bed, passed out with a bottle of Dom in hand, nor have I been frolicking the city's most luscious wine bars in an inebriated stooper - I could only be that lucky. But like any great wine, you look to find a nice balance, which is what I've been working on in me. Some of the things I was able to accomplish, or at least try to accomplish (applause welcome):

- Working on my tan -- I took a few vacations to try and get a little R&R and a little sunkiss. It worked but only short-term. Bring on the Loreal Sublime bronzer and a mojito please.
- Working on love -- and clearly still working on it. Although in my journeys I did discover a passion for anything I can add black truffle oil to(just ask my roommate). My newfound motto: When life leaves a void, fill it with truffle oil. I'll have to post a few recipes I've created! Yum!
- Working out - blame my decision to run a half marathon (when I actually hate running) on this whole break because thats when the downfall began. I suppose you can't run while dehydrated, so I opted to burn off some of the calories I had consumed earlier in the year during this phase. I've since followed the race with a complete tour of duty in bootcamp (don't ask). I figured if I ever got back to blogging, what better way to do so than by detoxing to retox!
- Just plain working - I've been cohorting with the likes of delicious men vs. delicious vintages including Drew Brees, Gilles Marini, Joel Madden and a few other choice hotties. It is my "day job" to booze and shmooze, I suppose I just slowed down on the boozing part.
So as not to say I've eliminated all beverage consumption during this downtime. In fact, I've worked wine events, hosted wine events, and just freely drank in good company. I've actually partaken in a few delicious libations, which I intend to share with you moving forward (the proof is in the pudding, see above). I suppose more than anything, I've been a bit more of a social media recluse. Now I feel like I have a new wind and I'm ready to take to tweeting, pinging and blogging again. But the question is... will you still join me?
Adventures continue soon... stay tuned! CHEERS!
Salut to you. :)
I missed you!
You know I will!! I may have to throw out a few tasting notes of my own for the crowd.
are you glad to "bee" back? hehehe we are happy to have you back!!!
Love and cheers to all of you. And D- you totes need to become a guest writer. Tasting notes are always welcome!
What is summer without a little reprieve? A toast to you!
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