January 6, 2009

The Bottle Is Definitley Half Full...

Happy 2009 WinoBees! I've been traveling for the holidays and am heading out on a business trip to California tomorrow (where I will hopefully consume some tasty selections). But before I head about on my adventure, I wanted to re-post yesterday's Daily Candy discovery of HalfWitWines, an online shop that vends solely half bottles of booze.

Perfect for the nights you want to enjoy a glass (rather than not remembering having dovoured an entire bottle the morning after), and a great way to expand your palette, by testing wines you may be otherwise nervous to sample.

The vintner’s shelves are stocked with more than 1,000 bottles from all over the world, and it’s easy to navigate by region and varietal, especially with the option to peek at the label. Check out http://www.halfwitwines.com/ for more!