Today marks yet another year since my birth. But its not just any year, its the year I enter my "late" twenties and I'm embracing it in the same way that many wines do as they age... getting finer with each year.
What's this lil' WinoBee uncorking in celebration tonight? Well, I can't say its going to be just one thing. A good friend shared this quote with me and tonight I think I will abide by its wisdom:
"Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle." -- Paulo Coelho
So to kick things off (at minimum), I'm uncorking this affordable bubbly, Bragrationi Classic Brut which boasts citrus fruits on the nose with honeydew melon flavors on the palate. Its not quite Veuve Cliquot, but it'll do until I get home to uncork that too!
Cost: $17/bottle
Where to Buy: Barclay's Wine
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